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Blacklisted Cheating fraud BPO Companies

Hello Friends,
            This article  is for all students community who going to join in a BPO Company.
Before gonna join in a BPO ensure that they are really an outsourcing company.  Girls please be safe before join in BPO its not safe place for girls. Behalf of some reason if you planned to join in BPO don't go for night shift. Please avoid it. 

In Chennai, Kolkatta, Delhi, Bangalore, Pune, Hyderabad, Mumbai in India there are lot of outsourcing companies which out source  for foreign countries. Its good thing for Indians but some people utilizing this in wrong way by staring a Fraud, Blacklisted BPO company to cheat peoples and student community. 

How to Identify a Fraud, Blacklisted, Cheating BPO Company?
      Usually they expect money from people at first and they wont provide any work.

  1. Fruad Companies September 3, 2010 at 1:58 PM  

    Nice Information to Share

  2. Anonymous January 3, 2011 at 5:18 PM  

    Hi Friends,
    i need information about bpo company because i want to join this. some one said to me it is a better company for earn mony.